Multiplication Worksheets
What is Multiplication? There are four elementary arithmetic operations in mathematics and all the calculations are based on them. The basic operations include addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. Addition and subtraction are the basic ones and the easiest out of these four. Students face difficulty in grasping the concept of multiplication and division. Multiplication is an operation that is symbolized using the following ways: a×b, a.b, a*b, ab. The first case is when two positive integers are multiplied; here, the result is always positive. The second case is when two negative integers are multiplied, and the result is always positive. If we multiply a positive and a negative integer, the result is always negative. All the sections I promised are here. Let me know if you have an area in your curriculum that I don't cover at all.
- Commutative Property - That's the one that states that order does not change the math.
- Decimal Multiplication - Paying attention to place value is paramount doing well here.
- Distributive Property - This is where parathesis and brackets first begin to appear.
- Factor Pairs to 100 - These skills help towards mastering algebra quickly.
- Factors of an Integer - We learn how to regroup a formed product.
- Fixed Number Multiplication Facts - The multiplier on these sheets is always a set number.
- Fraction Multiplication (Unlike Denominators) - I since a little cross multiplication in your future.
- Lattice Method of Multiplication - When you are finding the product of really big numbers, this comes in handy.
- Long Multiplication - This is a nice way to cover a wide range of product values.
- Math Fact Families - This should be your first step before times tables.
- Missing Factors Multiplication - This can also be thought of as one-step algebra, in most problems.
- Mixed Multiplication Review - Once your students have some confidence, send them over to this section.
- Multiplication as Scaling - When we are modelling the growth of something very quickly.
- Multiplication of Whole Numbers - This is more of concept than a topic.
- Multiplication 2 Digit (In Grid) - The grid style worksheets make it much easier to stay organized.
- Multiplication 3 by 2 Digit (In Grid) - Hundreds multiplied by tens.
- Multiplication 3 by 3 Digit (In Grid) - Multiplying two sets of hundreds.
- Multiplication 3 by 4 Digit (In Grid) - Thousands times hundreds
- Multiplication 4 Digit (In Grid) - Thousands by thousands in a nice simple grid.
- Multiplication as Repeated Addition - This is a great way to introduce multiplication to students.
- Multiplication of Complex Numbers - You can work off of the FOIL method. We show you how through the lessons.
- Multiplication Puzzles - A nice way to review and have fun with math.
- Multiplication Word Problems - These worksheets show you how to spot multiplication in story-based problems.
- Multiply and Divide Within 100 - You can work on these operations at the same time.
- Multiply or Divide Word Problems - We work on spotting keywords with the questions themselves to get an idea of what operation applies.
- Multiplying and Adding Rational and Irrational Numbers - Things get a little more complex in this upper High School material.
- Multiplying Binomials - A little algebra to get you going along.
- Multiplying by Powers of 10 - It is really nice if all those zeroes are on a paycheck.
- Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers - This is confusing, at first, but very simple once you get the hang of it.
- Multiplying Mixed Numbers Word Problems - Where would you go with this one? Sometimes we see mixed numbers and we get lost. We show you how to push forward.
- Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers - You can approach these problems from a wide number of places.
- Multiplying Single Digits by Multiples of 10 - It is not just adding a place value change.
- Multiplying Using Arrays - A great way to help you learn your times tables.
- Products of Exponents - This topic is covered from all possible angles.
- Rapid Single Digit Horizontal Multiplication - This is how we start to form mental math mastery.
- Rapid Single Digit Vertical Multiplication - Another way of looking at it.
- Rewriting Multiplication - Many different ways to look at these problems.
- Solving Multiplication and Division Equations - The first step into algebra shows how these operations are polar opposites.
- The Properties of Multiplication - We look at properties that we can use to our advantage mostly when we are working with algebra.
- Times Tables - This is how I committed multiplying to memory.
- Unique Properties of Multiplication - We look at the four most commonly explored forms.
- Visual Multiplication - A great way to show the growth of product.
How to Approach Teaching Kids This Operation

I remember a few decades back when I was preparing my first unit with students on this operation. It was a bit overwhelming try to make it seamless for students. My first unit went okay, my second one went better, and so on and so forth. As long as you keep fixing what could have been better, it will get there. Let me share what I have learned about teaching this operation to students.
1. Always Start with Manipulatives - When you provide students things to put in their hands makes sure that it something simple and uniform. Pennies are great, so are toy cars and blocks. They need to not too big or small. I always draw the numbers next to manipulatives and I have students do so as well.
2. Introduce Multiplication as Repeated Addition - I start by having students convert addition problems into multiplication such as 4 + 4 + 4 = 4 x 3. I tell them that this is just another way to write it. This gives something that they are very comfortable with to build up off of.
3. Products of Zero and One - These are just rules that they will be comfortable quickly. Anything multiplied by zero is equal to zero. Anything multiplied by one is one.
4. Get to Those Times Tables - I do a daily five-minute challenge in my room. Leave 5-10 missing areas and have students come up and fill them in. At this point we are relying pretty heavy that they are practicing at home. After a few days of my class challenge, I have a good idea of who is studying on their own and who is not. I also coach them through on how to approach this. They should master the 0-3 scale first, then 4-7, followed by 8-10. Once they have that cold, it is time to move on to 11 and 12.
5. The Commutative Property Eases It Up - That the old property that says when we use this operation order does not matter. This means that 4 x 7 and 7 x 4 or equivalent. I find that this particularly helps a great many students. When they have difficulty with a problem, I encourage them to reorder the multiplicand and the multiplier. This does not always save the day, but it is helpful very often.