Multiplication Array Worksheets
Using arrays to help students learn to master the art of determining products has a ton of benefits. We highly encourage teachers to work on this technique with students. You will find that when you begin to explore the properties of these operations, students will be highly inclined to learn them much quicker. A multiplication array is just a visible series of images, of just about anything, orientated in rows and columns. It is meant to encourage students to see the fluidity of this operation by showing the product, multiplier, and multiplicand all straight in front of you. These worksheets and lessons will show students a quicker method to multiply values accurately. It should be noted that this is not that affective for finding the larger product values, there are just too many images.
Aligned Standard: 4.NBT.5
- Step-by-Step Lesson- We cover the basics of jump into spacing out the use of the boxes.
- Guided Lesson - Two full problems for you to work with and master.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - The box method really resonates with a handful of students and they will continue that for some time.
- Practice Worksheet 1 - Box it out with 4 of them. Learn how to speed up your multiplication calculations.
- Practice Worksheet 2 - Get more reps and get a handle on the skill. All values are double digits.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Homework Sheets
The first version uses the simple box method. The second version is where the magic happens.
- Homework 1 - Use the array to solve each double digit multiplication problem. These are odd shapes boxes.
- Homework 2 - These are really tight columns, but they only require one digit each. This provides you a way to make a visual for yourself.
Practice Worksheets
The first and third version use the matrix method. The second version uses the box method.
- Practice 1 - This is a simple method for multiplying a little faster.
- Practice 2 - Break the value down into its place values (ones and tens).
- Practice 3 - Place values on sides of the array will help you organize this one.
Math Skill Quizzes
Matrix method is done in quiz 3. The other quizzes follow the standard format.
- Quiz 1 - Multiply the values that meet in rows and columns. See how these work for you.
- Quiz 2 - Add all the leftover products that you have created.
- Quiz 3 - You will recognize that the values fit where they belong.
How to Multiply Using Arrays

Mostly, hands-on manipulatives are used to build a sense of math and help children better understand mathematical concepts. But these manipulatives aren't of much help in learning multiplication facts. That is why we use multiplication array to make multiplication facts easier to learn.
A multiplication array is row and column arrangement that matches with a multiplication equation. Hands-on manipulatives are great, but they are cumbersome when you start solving multiplication equations with larger numbers. If you take a quick look over to the right, you will see a 2 by 3 (2 x 3) array of trucks. This helps students connect the visuals of two columns and three rows equals a total of 6.
Here is how the multiplication array is used: A paper dot array may help in easing the multiplication of larger numbers. For example, you can easily slide the L-shaped cover over the top of other cover and get any multiplication facts from 1 to 10. These arrays make children come up with different strategies to learn the multiplication table rather than rote-learning the timetables. For example, if you want your child to learn 6 x 8, you can use 5 x 8 as a steppingstone. 5 x 8 is equal to 40. 6 x 8 is one more group of 8 the 5 x 8. You can simply add 8 to 40, 40 + 8, to find the answer 48.
There are many hidden advantages to using this approach to help students bolster their multiplication skills. The transition from verifiable visuals to numbers is something that students are comfortable by this point. So, this technique of learning just seems normal to them. This is great alternative to having students memorize times tables. This eases them into the habit of truly understanding what determining a product actual is. Children can observe the commutative property of multiplication much sooner before they get started with the topic. For example, they can observe that 3 x 4 and 4 x 3 have the same answer as 12. I often find that students that learn using this technique are much quicker to learning the standard properties of multiplication.