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Counting in 3s Worksheets

Counting in 3s is the second progression level when working with skip counting. This lays a solid foundation for number sense, and you will find that they can understanding multiplication quicker and without a great deal of stress. This is a very effective method for translating basic counting to division as well. I find that incorporating a number line in this unit can be very beneficial for them to learn many of the advanced operations. This is something that you will want to practice often with your students until it becomes second nature for them. The overall goal is to help them comprehend the nature of numbers and their success with higher level math operations. These worksheets teach students to skip ahead by count is 3s.

Aligned Standard: K.CC.A.2

What is Skip Counting?

1, 2, 3 callouts

Skip counting is simply counting numbers by skipping more than one number in between. In skip counting, you need to skip the same count every time. If you are skip counting by 2s, then every time you need to count every second number. If you are skip counting by 3s, you will count the third number each time. Skip counting includes either counting forward by a number more than one or backward counting by a number more than 1.

For instance, if you are skip counting by 2, it will appear like this: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14... Skip counting by 5s will look like this: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.... Skip counting is one of the earliest methods of multiplication. Teaching skip counting can help children to hone basic numerical skills. Skip counting is helpful in different basic tasks, like dealing with money and telling time. Moreover, skip counting by 2s, 3s, 5s, and other multiples help children in doing addition, subtraction, and multiplication efficiently and quickly. Mastering this early numeral skill is essential in excelling the advanced mathematical skills.

When students work to improve their ability with skip counting it really helps their ability to do mental math and computations. It has also been shown to really help students master their multiplication skills at an increased rate. This is because getting use to making a pattern built upon this type of math helps them detect patterns in in more generalized setting. As their self-confidence builds students begin to sniff out set sequences with much larger numbers. This also translates well when it is time to work on division skills.

The natural progression when teaching this skill should begin with 2s, 5s, and 10s. Once they have those mastered, we suggest moving to this level with 3s as the focus. 3s are a bit more abstract for them because those multiples form odd values. If you find them struggling, do not be afraid to go back and use a number line. That should be fluid to at least a value of 30. I like to encourage them to keep working on this skill until they can verbally recite it to a value of 36. Small dry erase boards are great to use with them to drive this skill home.

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