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Comparing Shapes Worksheets

This is a topic that constantly surrounds students and they often just do not realize it. This also where you might start to see students that have physical development delays or disabilities stand out a bit more from their peers. That is because geometric shapes have two components. The first is reasoning such as identifying the key features of rectangles (number of sides, corners, angles) and the other is spatial. Students that possess visual acuities will struggle with this aspect because they simply do not experience the world the same way the majority of students do. This is why a stress patience for teachers on this unit. This collection of lessons and worksheets will help students learn the name of all these figures and their key attributes.

Aligned Standard: Kindergarten - K.G.4, K.G.5, K.G.6

Tips for Analyzing and Comparing Shapes


The most interesting concept that is not merely a part of mathematics, is geometric shapes. From technical to beautiful shapes, mathematicians analyze and compare them all with a variety of tools. When kids first start to learn about shapes, it can be an overwhelming as well as confusing experience for them. For kids who are new to analyzing and comparing shapes, here are a few tips for them to do so: Verbally introduce the kids to the shapes. To make it easier for them, help them learn the corners each shape has. Ask children to identify different sizes of the same shape. For example, in the classroom they could search for rectangles, such as windows, doors, books, shelves, cabinets, computer screens, tabletops, and cubbies. Try and explain the difference to them between two- and three-dimensional shapes. The best way of making your child learn about these shapes is to dip these 2D and 3D shapes into the paint and let the children print them on a sheet of paper. This will help children in deeply analyzing and comparing many shapes together. Encourage your kids to learn beyond the classroom setting. Allow them to discover shapes outside of the classrooms. Identify shapes and then name them, if your kid's get confused, try taking pictures of the shape and ask your teacher about it. These worksheets and lessons teach students how to identify and compare common geometric shapes.

2D or 3D, What's the Difference?

In this lesson we are going to learn how we can compare and analyze two- and three-dimensional shapes such as circle, triangle, square, cone, rectangle, sphere, cube and cylinders. These shapes can be differentiated by real world objects based on their physical attributes. Circle - A circle is flat round and has no sides. Examples: frisbee, plate, pie or a clock. Triangle - A triangle has three sides and is also flat. Examples: slice of pizza, piece of a pie. Square - A square has four sides; the all have the same length and is flat. Examples: stamp on a letter, tiles on the floor, pizza bar, sticky notes. Rectangle - Four sides and four vertices, 2 short sides and parallel sides are always equal. The shape is flat. Examples: television, envelope, book and table. Cube - 8 vertices, solid and has 6 faces and 6 flat surfaces. Example: present, dice or an ice cube. Cone - The cone has three vertices in total, only one flat side and solid rolls slides. Example: a basketball net, ice cream cone. Cylinder - A cylinder has a total of 2 flat surfaces rolls and slides stacks. Example: a glue stick, pencil or a marker. Sphere - No faces rolls, curved surface. Example: bowling ball, basketball or a globe.

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