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Data Analysis Worksheets

Data analysis is quickly becoming one of the key factors that business leaders are realizing holds a great deal of potential to help them make accurate and solid decisions about their business. This may be why the need for Quantitative Analysts in the workforce has been the second most explosion field in terms of career growth over the last decade. Having the ability to know which data matters and how to make sense of it is the key. These worksheets and lessons help students determine the validity of the decisions based on probabilities. We teach them how to interpret the numbers and make a highly qualified decision based on the values.

Aligned Standard: HSS-MD.B.7

  • Be the Coach Step-by-step Lesson- Did you know that most coaches run stats like this on a daily basis at the pro level.
  • Guided Lesson - Do you issue a recall or risk being sued in a class action. Great vocabulary for kids to hear.
  • Guided Lesson Explanation - I cannot believe that anyone enjoys the job of risk management, it seems daunting
  • Practice Worksheet - I had to throw some lawn JARTS in here. Who would of thought that throw a heavy piece of sharp metal long distances was dangerous?
  • One Choice Worksheet - This is a solid one to work out. I'm sure some one will sue cell phone companies for the health effects of those waves some day.
  • Theoretical Probability Five Pack - Lots and lots of refreshers here for you.
  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Homework Sheets

Football, quarterbacks, darts, and fixing broken things. Just a few things that data can help you decide on.

  • Homework 1 - During a pickup football game, teams have a choice of kicking a short field goal or trying to score on the end zone again. 2 points are awarded for the short field goal and getting the ball in the end zone is worth 4 points. Based on this, they would score the most points by going for a conversion by running each time.
  • Homework 2 - A keyboard company finds a major defect in their keyboard. The company must make a decision entirely based on the most cost effective method of fixing this problem.

Practice Worksheets

Use the data to make very big decisions here. The Frisbee dog strategy is just cool.

  • Practice 1 - A large company finds a major defect in their mobile phones. The company must make a decision on how to handle the problem based on the most cost effective method of fixing this problem.
  • Practice 2 - If the team gets 10 chances to hit targets, which strategy would result in statistically the most points?
  • Practice 3 - James and his dog Rufus are Dog Frisbee champions. On a Frisbee course, the position of where the dog catches the Frisbee results in points being scored. The further the Frisbee is thrown, the more points you earn.

Math Skill Quizzes

One the first one, you are a coach. On the second one, you are a corporate raider.

  • Quiz 1 - A Javelin team has choice of throwing on a short or long field. 1 point is scored for the landing close to a target on the short field. 2 points is awarded for the same thing on the long field.
  • Quiz 2 - The team needs to figure out the most cost effective way to fix this problem for customers. They can send customers new mobile phones or have the customer phones individually repaired.

How Are Statistics Used to Make Decisions in the Real World?

Data Cloud

Statistics is the science that is obsessed with data. Collecting data, organizing it, analyzing it, and ultimately interpreting what it means for your individual situation. As we monitor the data that is available to use, we adjust these models, and it allows us to make well educated decisions. If used correctly, statistics can tell us what will happen beforehand and what can happen in the future with a good level of mathematical accuracy.

There are many areas and business sector where data analysis is essential and critical to the task at hand:

Weather Forecasting - First and foremost, statistics is used for forecasting future weather. The forecasters analyze the previous and current weather conditions. This data of greatest importance are air pressure and temperature. Watching how these two measures change for region to region allow them to have a good understanding of what the future will look like.

Prediction of Diseases - Statistics also assist in predicting the infection rates and spread of many different diseases. In other words, through statistics, you can find out which disease caused the most damage to the people and which may have the potential to do more harm. Medicinal practitioners use that information to devise an appropriate treatment for patients and the population as a whole.

Consumer Goods - Another most important use of statistics is for consumer goods. Huge retail brands like Walmart keep track of everything with the help of statistics. They keep track of what sells and what makes best use of their shelves. It helps them counteract with the increased number of clients they deal with daily to make sure the shelves are not empty.

Stock Market - Stock Market is another area where statistics help stockbrokers, where statistical computer models analyze and forecast the earning potential and growth of a company. It helps them determine if there is value in investing their hard-earned money in them.

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