Counting Forward Worksheets
Tips to Learn Counting - Counting is considered the first step to learning mathematical concepts. Counting helps in building a strong foundation for complex mathematical concepts. Below we have discussed a few tips that will help your young ones improve their counting game 1. Practice two-digit numbers - Initially, begin counting with one-digits. Once your child has grasped one-digit counting progress to two-digit numbers. Practice reading and writing two-digit numbers to help your child develop a place-value understanding. Many children often make mistakes when they are asked to write numbers in reverse. For example, they confuse 56 and 65 2. Dot-to-dot Activities - Dot-to-dot activities are a great way of improving number recognition. You can easily get these activity books from anywhere or make your own dot-to-dot activity. These activities make number identification and learning fun and challenging for your child. 3. Card game - With a deck of cards, you can improve the comparison skills of your child. Your child can gain important math knowledge and terms, such as less than, greater than, and same as through card games. 4. Mental Math Games - Mental counting games are fun and easier to play as they don’t require any material. You can revise basic counting and can also practice skipping counting by these mental counting games. Start practicing skip counting by 10 and 100. Then try counting by 2s or 5s. the more you practice, the more your child’s cognitive and mathematical skill gets polished.
Aligned Standard: Kindergarten - K.CC.2
- Count Forward from a Given Number Step-by-Step Lesson- We start counts off from numbers other than 1, in this case 4.
- Count Forward from a Given Number Guided Lesson - These counts are higher. We use double digits for the first time.
- Guided Lesson Explanation: Counting Forward- I brought it back to focused counting.
- Counting Fish in the Pond Worksheet - Count the fish in the pond and then add just one more.
- Count Forward from a Given Number Puzzle - This is a neat little puzzle for students. It work on eye coordination too.
- Count Forward from a Given Number with Pictures - We use a wide range of vocabulary here.
- Count Forward from a Given Number: Independent Practice - Simple counts from random numbers. Count up and work at it.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
- Count Backward Worksheet- A very interesting way to learn this skill. If you can do something forward and backward, you have mastered.
- Count Bananas Worksheet- There is just one simple question here. Because of the mixed orientation, this is a good way to identify vision issues.
- Filling In the Missing Numbers Worksheet- I give you full counts with two missing parts. Find those parts.
- Count Forward from a Given Number Step-by-step Lesson- Draw! Fill in the missing numbers from higher than normal starting sequences.
- Count Backward from a Given Number Step-by-step Lesson 2- We show you how to do it again, but this time in reverse.
- Counting Planes Worksheet - The airplanes are taking off and headed out. See what you can tell me about them.
- Counting the Toys Your Are About To Pickup Worksheet- Look at your toy pile and find out how many of each kind of toy you have in your pile.
- Counting Forward Walkthrough Explanation - This really helps students that are struggling with this skill.
- Count Forward Worksheet 1- See if you can complete all the sequences thrown at you.