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Area and Perimeter of Triangles, Parallelograms and Trapezoids Worksheets

Perimeter is the sum of all the sides of a shape. Area is the amount of space that the geometric shape occupies. By learning to determine these measures for these shapes we can start to learn to gauge the size of object that may be in these shapes. We approach determining the perimeter of a shape the same way for all shapes. To determine the area of these shapes you will need to take a different approach for each shape because the way in which they occupy space can differ greatly based on how their sides and corners are angled or prescribed. These lessons and worksheets will help students quickly understand how to find the area and perimeter of these three geometric shapes.

Aligned Standard: 4.MD.A.3

  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Homework Sheets

Time to go all geometry Ninja on us. We give a whole bunch of unique shapes to work with.

  • Homework 1 - Perimeter of this triangle = AB + BC + CA. We give you all the measures and asks you for a both measures of area and perimeter on each of the figures.
  • Homework 2 - Perimeter of this particular rectangle = AB + BD + DC + CA
  • Homework 3 - Perimeter = 2 x base + 2 x height

Practice Worksheets

The focus of these is on triangles and trapezoids.

  • Practice 1 - Find the area and perimeter.
  • Practice 2 - Area of triangle = 1/2 x base x height. You will need to remember others as well.
  • Practice 3 - Area of a rectangle = Length x Width

Math Skill Quizzes

These problems are set up in more of a mechanical setting.

  • Quiz 1 - Area of a parallelogram = base x height
  • Quiz 2 - These are some larger shapes. We follow the same basic procedure though.
  • Quiz 3 - This triangle is a monster. Take your time and work on it well.

How to Find the Area and Perimeter of Triangles, Parallelograms and Trapezoids

A Triangle, Parallelogram and Trapezoid

The goal of this topic is to help you easily calculate the area and perimeter of different polygons such as Triangles, Parallelograms and Trapezoids. Let's cover the basic so that you are able to at least solve easier problems on your own.

The perimeter of any geometric figure is the distance around it, or the sum of all its sides. For instance, if you have to calculate sides of a square you simply multiply one of the sides by all the sides that are present on the figure, in this case, four. If we apply this to the three figures of interest. You would add the three sides of triangles and the four sides of parallelograms and trapezoids to calculate their perimeter.

The area of any geometric figure is the number of units square that cover the closed surface of the shape. This differs for most geometric shapes. We must take our approach differently towards each shape.

The area of a parallelogram is the product of its length of base b and height h. It is written as: A = b.h

The area of a triangle is the half of the length of base b multiplied by the height h. It is written as: A = 1/2.b.h = bh/2.

Area of a trapezoid is half the product of the height and sum of all the length of its parallel sides, or product of height and average length of the bases: It is written as: A = 1/2.b.(b1 + b2) = [h. (b1 + b2)] / 2.

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