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Number Comparisons Worksheets

How to Compare Numbers That Are Less Than 100? Comparing numbers is one of the building blocks of doing maths efficiently. It helps in other basic operations as well, especially addition, subtraction, etc. Numbers are compared with each other in using symbols of greater than ">," less than "<" and equal to "=." However, for first and second graders, it can be a bit difficult to comprehend it. So to make things simpler follow these rules: BIG > small and small < BIG
The small pointer always points to the small number, and then the opening part of the pointer is next to the bigger number. Here are some of the examples of "equals to" "greater than" and "less than."
Equals to: 2 + 2 = 4 or 2a = 10
Less than: 3 < 5 or 19 < 91
Greater than: 9 > 6 or 21 > 12
An easy way to understand the concept of comparing numbers is by using a visual approach. Children are often interested in pictures of animals or flowers. You can put numbers into those pictures on their worksheets to make them learn the concept of comparison. These worksheets help students learn how to compare to integers as equal, greater than, or less than.

Aligned Standard: Grade 2 Base Ten - 2.NBT.4

  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Homework Sheets

I presented these problems in every possible way I could think of.

  • Homework 1- When the numbers are not equal, the arrow always points to the smaller number.
  • Homework 2- When left hand side number is bigger than the right hand side then we put 'is greater than' (>).
  • Homework 3- When right hand side number is bigger than the left hand side then we put 'is less than' (<).

Practice Worksheets

The trick of pointing the arrow to the smaller number comes in handy here.

  • Practice 1 - When right hand side number is equal to the left hand side then we put 'is equal to' (=).
  • Practice 2 - Compare the following numbers using the symbols >, <, or =.
  • Practice 3 - Each object is worth 100 units.

Math Skill Quizzes

Each quiz presents a slightly different format for each problem type.

  • Quiz 1 - Compare these values through the use of the various marks we have been covering.
  • Quiz 2 - Which words makes this statement true. Remember that we are attempting to describe the relationship.
  • Quiz 3 - Put these numbers in order based on the symbols. We give you visual objects to work with here.

Why Is Having the Ability to Compare Numbers Critical?

In the simplest terms comparing numbers is having the ability to classify or point out a difference between two or more values of any kind. It could be used to determine who has more fuel in their car or less oranges in their refrigerator. In the math curriculum this is often the first-time students are being exposed to the concept of a mathematical relationship. It is also the time when they begin to understand the concept of equalness as a result, they begin to comprehend fairness. Fairness and unity are a big message that resonates just about everywhere these days. Without understand how much one value is in relation to another, we often lose the message in transit. This is often the naturally progression for developing great estimation skills. Estimation saves the real-world bucket loads of time and worry that because it allows you to make quick and accurate decisions that would often take much longer if you needed to make all the calculations.

This is the foundational number sense skill that all students should master as soon as possible. Being able to trade, buy, or sell products or services of any kind ineptly requires this understanding. The world's economy is entirely based on this principle. It will be exceedingly difficult to make a living in this economy without having a firm grasp on this number sense ability. I find that it is often helpful to speed the learning of this skill by including the concept of money. Simply ask students if they would rather have you give them a single, five-, or twenty-dollar bill. You would be surprised at how fast that sinks in. They can also magically order values when it is put in that context for them.

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