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Making Words With Calculator Fun Worksheets

We often think of math as one of those left-brain activities that are about systemic logic and follow a set of rules and procedures. There are plenty of students that find ways to be creative and really push it in new directions. Due to the font that most conventional calculators use, many of the numbers can read as letters and even more so when you turn your calculator upside down. In this topic we help these two worlds meet and we have a good bit of fun along the way. Use these worksheets to learn how to spell words on your calculator and learn some math at the same time.

Aligned Standard: 6.EE.A.1

  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Homework Sheets

Some of the words are American and Candian slang. I could only dream up so many words.

  • Homework 1 - Follow the order of operations to compute these out.
  • Homework 2 - What word does the following problem generate when you turn your calculator upside down?
  • Homework 3 - Exponents will pop up here.

Practice Worksheets

Really good and fun practice for order of operations worksheets.

  • Practice 1 - This one turns out to be BIG.
  • Practice 2 - It's like they say math can be elegant poetry.
  • Practice 3 - Some straight up operations for you.

Math Skill Quizzes

The first two give you the numbers and the last one gets back to operations.

  • Quiz 1 - What word do the following problems create when you work them out and turn your calculator upside-down?
  • Quiz 2 - What word does each integer make?
  • Quiz 3 - Name the word that is spelled on your upside-down calculator.

Words You Can Create on a Calculator

#Gray Calculator

Did you think the calculator was only for calculating large and complex problems? Well, we tell you a secret here about calculators, that you can do a lot more with calculators than just calculating. If you are bored and you have nothing around you except a calculator, or you need a break from that complex problem you are trying to solve for hours. This is what you can do.

Grab your calculator and start creating words. There is a long list of words that you can type on the calculator and enjoy it later awing on the technological creativity you have in front of you. Switch your calculator to the hexadecimal mode which has letters A-F and start typing. You can easily type the following letters: some may need you to invert your calculator.

1. See 2. Lol 3. Decided. Turn your calculator upside down, and you will see: 4. Hello 5. Google 6. Shoes 7. Egg Other words that you can create are: 8. Slob 9. Gee 10. Bee 11. Bless 12. Log 13. Loses

Here are some more for you, followed by the numbers needed to make them happen: big : 618, bills : 57718, eggshell : 77345663, eligible : 37816173, geese : 35336, globe : 38076, heel : 7334, hills : 57714, hose : 3504, legless : 5537637, shoe : 3045, size : 3215. Be as creative as you can.

Teachers will find that they can use these as final answers to create their own math riddles. I have been known to put this on a test or quiz at times.

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I would appreciate everyone letting me know if you find any errors. I'm getting a little older these days and my eyes are going. Please contact me, to let me know. I'll fix it ASAP.