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Matching Numbers Worksheets

This skill builds upon the one to one relationship skill, but puts all of its attention on numbers. Students will learn to match two new symbols in the form of numbers. The lessons that you will find here take it step further and attempt to build an add-on skill with students. These worksheets and lessons help students better understand how to count and match numbers to the objects that they represent.

Aligned Standard: K.MD.B.3

  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Lesson Sheets

Work on picking items out of a group for the first time.

  • Lesson 1 - Both the object in the box and the fourth object from left of the object in the box are moons. Draw a box around this object.
  • Lesson 2 - The number 7 is written on the basket. The numbers written on the flowers are 7, 9 and 1. Look for the flower that has same number written on it as the number on the basket. The first flower has the number 7 written on it. Match the basket to the first flower.

Practice Worksheets

The focus is on matching numbers, following directions, and understanding mixed groups.

  • Practice 1 - Match the basket to the fruit that has the same number written on it.
  • Practice 2 - Write the matching numbers.
  • Practice 3 - Draw a line to match the same numbers.
  • Practice 4 - Choose the object that looks like the object shown in the box and circle it.

How to Teach Children to Recognize Numbers

Number 5 on Fingers

Recognizing numbers is the baby step to learning the basic mathematical concepts. It is the spark that start the fire in the world of math. From there students will progress to counting and then actually making sense of values. Some start recognizing numbers at the young age of 12 months while others take a little longer and begin recognizing numbers at a preschool level.

Before a child reaches the kindergarten level, they need to be able to recognize and memorize the numbers easily. The best part about teaching numbers to your kids is that there is no definite way to do it. There are numerous ways in which you can make number learning fun.

Here are some fun and easy ways to help your kids learn number recognition:

- Number books are the ideal way of giving your child exposure to numbers. Purchase a number book that will hold your child's attention. Make it a routine to read that book together with your child. A wide variety of books is available in the market and online.

- If number books don't get your child's attention to try other fun ways like using play-doh. Children enjoy playing with this squishy material every chance they get. Teach your child how to form different numbers with play-doh. They can even make sets of balls to match with the specific number.

- You can also create an anchor card for each number. You can purchase these or create them yourself we standard flashcards. You simply write the number and pick an object. The same number of that object should appear on the card. Make sure to align the object into a fixed column and row orientation. Anchor cards are great to help students relate the number with the quantity.

- Number toys are the best. If you want to speed up learning, at this age, give them something that is completely hands-on and fun. As you get to know your students, you can provide them with toys that better match them personally. I normally play an educational game with my class either the first or last ten minutes of our day together. I do this one for about a week until it starts to lose it’s spunk.

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